Wednesday, December 2, 2009

All About Visas : Countries that DO NOT require visas for Filipino TOURISTS

There have been several inquiries regarding this issue, so we have decided to create a post dedicated to this topic.


What Asian countries can Filipinos/ Filipino Citizens go to without applying for Tourist Visas (for short vacations)?

** Some countries will issue visas upon your arrival(you may also have to pay a visa fee)

1. Brunei
2. Cambodia
3. Laos
4. Malaysia
5. Singapore
6. Thailand
7. Vietnam
8. Armenia
9. Azerbaijan
10. Bangladesh
11. Georgia
12. Hong Kong
13. Iran
14. Israel
15. South Korea (Jeju - Island only)
16. Macau
17. Maldives
18. Mongolia
19. Nepal
20. Sri Lanka
21. Timor Leste

A complete list can be found here:

Items in BOLD are the most popular travel destinations for Filipinos (from our experience)

Bon Voyage!

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